Animal Jam Quiz How Rare Are You

Animal jam rare wiki
5 Questions | By Aj17 | Last updated: Mar 7, 2013 | Total Attempts: 8882

Animal jam is a fun online game for kids. I am not including all animals in this quiz. I am only including a few, I hope you like it thanks.

  • What do you prefer to do as an action?
    • Dance!

    • Play!

    • Sleep!

    • Play under water!

    • Play like a kid!

  • Your friend is being bullied, what do you do?
    • Argue too for a few minutes and then step out.

    • Ignore them.

    • Growl and attack and report them!

    • Annoy them until they stop.

    • Join in.

  • What sort of animal would you least like as a pet in your back garden?
    • Tiger.

    • Lion.

    • Penguin.

    • Shark.

    • Lion.

  • Have you enjoyed this quiz?
    • Yes.

    • Kind of, I might eat you head though.

    • Kinda.

    • Pawsome!

    • Nah.

  • One final question, do you like rotten cheese?
    • Don't mind.

    • Yes!

    • What the heck?

    • You freak, course I do.

    • No.

What do you like doing in winter, What kind of buddies do you look for, How do you decorate your den? If you love Animal Jam Play Wild (aka. AJPW) you will ace this quiz! Let’s find out if you love AJPW or not! The third time ish crazygaming31 if u want to gift him the rainbow spike or if u want like the rare drag wings the Leilani ones or double tail any of those three ish good and tell me ur USERNAME if u wanna gift him again if u do. Jun 17, 2015 This is one of the most accurate Animal Jam quizzes on here, and the results are (possibly) accurate and have a high chance to apply to you. This quiz asks about your personality, not really things like your name, your height, your items, etc.

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Animal Jam How Rare Are You Quiz

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31,962 hits3.3 (29 votes) Share Favorite | Flag7 years ago by Fancydogs605

Who am I in Animal Jam Quiz
Animal Jam is a fun, chat room type thing where you can play games, meet friends, and learn! Its is a very fun place, this quiz will show you who you are in the game! An evil Phantom? Mira? A shaman? (more)
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