- Animal Jam 60 Diamond Code 2018
- Animal Jam 60 Diamond Code
- Free Animal Jam Diamonds
- Animal Jam Codes That Work For Diamonds
- .60 Diamond Ring
- Animal Jam Diamond Codes
*Play Wild Codes List Updated for May 2019*
Play Wild is a mobile version of Animal Jam that is available for Android, iOS and Amazon devices. This page is here to keep track of all the codes available for Play Wild in 2019! Below you’ll find a list of all the working promo codes for Play Wild. If you find any new working codes or if any of the codes on the list aren’t working, let us know in the comments!
- Nov 21, 2018 Animal Jam Diamond Codes. Occasionally, you can get free Diamonds by redeeming a code on Animal Jam. Currently, there is only one working Diamond code. By entering the code “twelve”, you receive one Diamond for free. There are more codes available for Gems, since that’s the basic currency.
- Apr 01, 2018 Animal Jam - 36 Working Animal Jam Codes (Gems, Diamond, Den Items, AJ Play Wild App) - Duration: 12:54. Rona Stellas 60,983 views. 10 things that Annoy me in AJPW!
Animal Jam is an award-winning online animal game for kids. Play educational animal games in a safe & fun online playground.
This list of codes will help you get tons of gems and exclusive items in AJPW for free. They even have some codes for sapphires too! Remember, you can only use each code once per account so make sure you keep track of the ones you’ve used already. Some of the codes will give you gems and items in both Animal Jam and Play Wild so if you play both then you’ll get double the prizes!
Play Wild codes can be used to add gems to your account or even special items and animals! Codes are usually available for a few months before they expire. This list is updated regularly to ensure that only the newest, non-expired codes are listed. If you are sure that a code isn’t working (and you haven’t already used it before) please leave a comment below and we will test it.
The AJPW codes list was last updated for May 2019. I’ll do my best to keep this list updated with new codes and make sure the whole list is working. I can’t do it alone though so if you know of any working codes that aren’t listed please leave a comment! The newest code on the list is pwbday3.
Working Play Wild Codes
Code | Prize |
pwbday3 | Birthday Cake Hat |
adorableotter | 750 gems |
billygoat | 750 gems |
cheerycheetah | 750 gems |
clevercoyote | 750 gems |
coolpolarbear | 750 gems |
cuddlykoala | 750 gems |
curiousraccoon | 750 gems |
dashingdolphin | 750 gems |
fastfalcon | 750 gems |
funnyfox | 750 gems |
fuzzytiger | 750 gems |
happyhyena | 750 gems |
jammerjoey | 750 gems |
livelylynx | 750 gems |
loudlion | 750 gems |
lovablelemur | 750 gems |
luckyllama | 750 gems |
playfulpanda | 750 gems |
poshpig | 750 gems |
quickhorse | 750 gems |
sillyseal | 750 gems |
slowsloth | 750 gems |
sneakycougar | 750 gems |
snowyleopard | 750 gems |
supersheep | 750 gems |
swiftdeer | 750 gems |
touchytoucan | 750 gems |
wileywolf | 750 gems |
Expired Play Wild Codes
Code | Prize |
koala | 500 gems |
penguins | Pet Rockhopper Penguin |
penguins | Igloo Peak Den |
penguins | Penguin Animal |
NGKAJ19 | 500 gems |
arctic | 500 gems |
dynamitejams | 500 gems |
pirateship | 700 gems |
ajtreasurechest | 1000 gems |
annual2play | 900 gems |
wintergame | 700 gems |
twelve | 15 sapphires |
downyfriend | 1000 gems |
bats | 500 gems |
pwbday2 | Birthday Party Hat |
NGKAJ18 | 500 gems |
tropical | 500 gems |
secretelephant | 500 gems |
greeleysfans | 500 gems |
grahamsgreatest | 500 gems |
ajplaycards | 500 gems |
wildlunch | 800 gems |
powerbackpack | Panda Power Backpack |
wildbackpack | Play Wild Backpack |
heartstone | 700 gems |
riddlethis | 700 gems |
How to Enter Codes in AJPW
These instructions will teach you exactly how to enter codes in Play Wild and get your prizes! Some of these codes will also work in Animal Jam so if you enter them while playing Animal Jam, they will automatically be added to your PW account. This guide will show you how to enter codes in the Play Wild app!
Step 1: The first thing you need to do is log in to Play Wild. If you already have an Animal Jam account, you can use the same one for Play Wild! Once you’re logged in and playing the game, tap on the gear in the top right corner to access the settings menu.

Step 2: In the settings menu, tap on the button that says “Redeem Code”.
Step 3: A box will pop up with a place to enter your Play Wild promo code. Tap on the area that says “Enter your code here”.
Step 4: Your keyboard will appear and you’ll be able to type in your code. Tap the “Redeem Code” button to enter it!
Step 5: Sit back and collect your prize! It could be gems, an item, or maybe even sapphires (someday).
Some codes will also work on Animal Jam. If the Play Wild code works in AJ, you’ll see a message like this come up after you enter it. Next time you play Animal Jam on the computer your prize will appear!
These Play Wild codes will help you get a lot of gems that you can use to buy clothing, items and more! We’re still looking for more codes for sapphires but we will add them as soon as we find them. Tell your friends about these codes too so everyone can get tons of gems for free!
If you find any new codes for AJPW that aren’t on the list then please share them in the comments. I test each code and then add it to the list if it works. The Play Wild codes list will be updated at least once per month in 2019 to add new working codes!
Old banners:
If there are any codes on the list that don’t work anymore, let me know in the comments. Expired codes will be taken off the list once I test that they are no longer working. It’s hard for me to keep the list up to date all by myself so I’m counting on all of you Jammers to help me find new AJPW codes and report ones that aren’t working!
*Animal Jam Codes List Updated for May 2019*
Codes are needed to get the most out of Animal Jam. New codes come out every couple weeks and can be used for free gems and other new items! I’ll try to keep this list of codes updated as they expire and new ones come out. Feel free to comment if you know any new codes that I don’t have on the list!
If you need more gems to buy items or you are tired of trying to earn gems by playing games, try the list of codes below. These codes have been tested to work and will unlock different items and gems. Each gem code can only be used once per player so use them wisely.
The list of codes below has the newest working animal jam codes for 2019. I try to keep the list up to date so if any codes are expired let me know. The Animal Jam codes list was last updated May 2019. The newest code listed below is juno. I will add more unexpired codes for 2019 as soon as they come out, thanks for looking!
I go through this list once per month and clear out all of the expired ones. If you know any new working codes please post them in the comments!
Did you know we have tons of other AJ and AJPW codes?! Click on the banners below to see what else we have!
More AJ Codes
**January 2018 Update** All codes have been checked to make sure they work and the list has been updated with new ones. Happy New Year!
**August 2018 Update** Went through the list again and added/removed codes – all are working now! We lost a few but hopefully new ones will come out soon.
**January 2019 Update** Codes list updated for the new year. Let’s hope for lots of new codes this year!
**April 2019 Update** All codes have been tested and lists updated. Sorry for the delay everyone. Stay tuned for more new codes hopefully soon!
Below is the most recently updated list of codes available on Animal Jam in 2019!
Working Animal Jam Codes
Code | Prize |
AJBDAY8 | 8th Birthday Cake |
juno | Hidden Juno Statue |
adorableotter | 750 gems |
billygoat | 750 gems |
cheerycheetah | 750 gems |
clevercoyote | 750 gems |
coolpolarbear | 750 gems |
cuddlykoala | 750 gems |
curiousraccoon | 750 gems |
dashingdolphin | 750 gems |
fastfalcon | 750 gems |
funnyfox | 750 gems |
fuzzytiger | 750 gems |
happyhyena | 750 gems |
jammerjoey | 750 gems |
livelylynx | 750 gems |
loudlion | 750 gems |
lovablelemur | 750 gems |
luckyllama | 750 gems |
playfulpanda | 750 gems |
poshpig | 750 gems |
quickhorse | 750 gems |
sillyseal | 750 gems |
slowsloth | 750 gems |
sneakycougar | 750 gems |
snowyleopard | 750 gems |
supersheep | 750 gems |
swiftdeer | 750 gems |
touchytoucan | 750 gems |
wileywolf | 750 gems |
wiseowl | 750 gems |
explorer | 100 gems |
Expired Codes
Code | Prize |
NGKAJ19 | 500 gems |
dynamitejams | 500 gems |
koala | 500 gems |
penguins | Penguin Animal |
penguins | Pet Penguin |
pirateship | Lost Treasure Book |
arctic | 500 gems |
ajtreasurechest | 1000 gems |
annual2play | 900 gems |
wintergame | Mystery at Mt Shiveer Book |
twelve | 1 diamond |
beeparty | 500 gems |
AJBDAY7 | 777 gems |
NGKAJ18 | 500 gems |
powerbackpack | Panda Power Backpack |
wildbackpack | Play Wild Backpack |
heartstone | Call of the Alphas Book |
riddlethis | The Phantoms’ Secret Book |
wildlunch | 800 gems |
ajplaycards | 500 gems |
secretelephant | 500 gems |
greeleysfans | 500 gems |
grahamsgreatest | 500 gems |
time2jam | 750 gems |
ready2jam | 750 gems |
jamaafun2day | 750 gems |
aj4ever | Reader’s Chair |
getready2jam | Reader’s Sofa |
paws4friends | Reader’s Lamp |
happyfriend | 1000 gems |
fastfriend | 250 gems |
softfriend | 800 gems |
fuzzyfriend | 500 gems |
downyfriend | 1000 gems |
NGKAJ17 | 500 gems |
bats | 500 gems |
AJBDAY6 | 6th birthday cake |
bestfriends | 500 gems |
tropical | 500 gems |
flying | 500 gems |
underwater | 500 gems |
trivia | 500 gems |
bemybuddy | 1000 gems |
trench | 500 gems |
gifts | 500 gems |
fashion | 500 gems |
phantoms | 500 gems |
llamas | 500 gems |
birthday | 500 gems |
party | 500 gems |
explore | 500 gems |
mega | 1000 gems |
tojam | 1000 gems |
ajbday5 | Animal Jam 5th birthday cake |
picsou | 1000 gems |
beano | 1000 gems |
NGKJammin | 1000 gems |
newyear15 | 500 gems |
outback | 500 gems |
ajrocks | 500 gems |
pets | 500 gems |
winter | 500 gems |
adventure | 500 gems |
drawing | 500 gems |
shadows | 500 gems |
chimbu | 500 gems |
tigris | 500 gems |
ganges | 500 gems |
ngk2015 | 1000 gems |
ajbday4 | Animal Jam 4th birthday cake |
friendship | 500 gems |
friends | 1000 gems |
spooky | 500 gems |
nile | 500 gems |
zambezi | 500 gems |
kama | 500 gems |
ngexplorer | 1000 gems |
ajbday3 | Animal Jam 3rd birthday cake |
alphas | 500 gems |
10million | 10 million banner |
thanks | imprisoned phantoms |
ngkidsrox | 1000 gems |
discovery | 1000 gems |
HOOOT | 500 gems |
kangaroo | 500 gems |
dolphin | 500 gems |
AJHQ3000 | 500 gems |
birthday bash | birthday cake |
THANK YOU to these readers who have shared the codes they have found: Sphealie, Guineapigsrock2004, pokemongamer31, Optimistz AJ, Sunshine Jamaa, ItsMagMa, Ashwath, Cutebunnyinfunjam, 2fangs, lolipop560, charliyay, lilyandemma8, Pinata, Amy, Quest, animesenpai04, Roin, thinkweird, bubblymice, thedavymak, prince quietkangaroo, jarren19, Perfect1010, gabby, Emily, Leila, t36fa, Bolt51963, disqualified, southernwolf03, iamthecat, Cali Girl, Abby, Nikola, fish301, ARCTICKWOLFGIRL, littlefrozenpants, shytail1, and Lucas!
Animal Jam 60 Diamond Code 2018
How to Use Animal Jam Codes
Animal Jam 60 Diamond Code
Check out the instructions below for a guide on how to enter Animal Jam codes. There are two different ways to redeem the codes: when you login and while you’re playing.
Option 1: Enter an Animal Jam Code When You Login
Entering codes when you log in is easy, all you have to do is check the box when you login then enter your code. Some codes have to be typed exactly as they are spelled so make sure you use caps lock if they are in capital letters.
Once you login, a gift box will appear with your promo code gift.
Click the box and you’ll unlock your promo code reward! The codes are good for however many gems it says on the list.
Free Animal Jam Diamonds
Option 2: Enter an Animal Jam Code While You’re Playing
If you want to enter a code while you are playing the game, just follow these instructions. First click on the settings button at the top right side of your screen.
Now click on the button that says “Enter Code”.
Just type in your code and click the continue button. You’ll get your prize from the code right away!
Once you’ve used these Animal Jam codes you can enjoy the free gems you’ve unlocked! Be sure to share the codes with your friends so they can get the most out of Animal Jam too. If you have any problems you can go to the Official Game Help Center on NatGeo’s website.
Animal Jam Codes That Work For Diamonds
Check back because I will update this list with new codes when they come out. If you know any new animal jam codes that I haven’t mentioned, please comment and I’ll put them on the list of unexpired codes!
.60 Diamond Ring
Old banners:
Animal Jam Diamond Codes
Let me know if you see any expired Animal Jam codes here and I’ll take them off the list! I try to find the latest Animal Jam codes and keep this list fresh but I can always use some help from other Jammers 🙂 Don’t be afraid to comment below and let me know about any new codes for gems or anything else!
Instead of spending hours playing games to unlock gems, just use these codes to earn gems and other prizes! Gems can be used to buy new den items, costumes, pets and more! Increase the size of your Animal Jam bank account with these codes. This list will be updated regularly for the newest codes for 2019. This aj codes list was last updated May 2019.